Your gums need as much TLC as your teeth. If you haven’t been paying attention to the health of your gums, chances are you may already be developing periodontitis. Also known as ‘periodontal disease’, ‘gum disease’ or ‘pyorrhoea’. In that case, you should consult with a periodontist in Brisbane or on the Sunshine Coast.
So what is a Periodontist? Put simply, a periodontist is a dentist who has received further university training that allows them to specialise in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of problems with the gums – collectively known as the ‘periodontal diseases’. If you suffer from bleeding gums, bad breath, or receding gums, you should see a Periodontist. As a registered dental specialist, a Periodontist is also trained in the placement of dental implants.
Other Treatments in which a Periodontist Specialises
Here are some other treatments that a periodontist can provide for you.
Periodontal Debridement
Only using a brush to clean your teeth means that plaque and calculus will gradually build up between your teeth. Over time, the bacteria in this debris will begin to increase in number and more troublesome species will start to colonise the deeper areas – eventually causing deep inflammation of the soft tissues around the teeth. If untreated, this will lead to looking “long in the tooth” and “teeth becoming loose”. The most common cause of tooth loss as you age is “periodontitis” due to the above sequence of events. A Periodontist can efficiently and very effectively help you deal with the problem by removing this deeper debris via ultrasonic technology and specially designed dental instruments. Meticulous deeper cleaning of the gum crevices and teeth will allow the gums to repair.
Minor Surgery
Periodontists are also trained and qualified to perform a number of minor oral surgery procedures. These include soft tissue grafts to repair areas of gum damage and the related unsightly ‘recession’ and ‘sensitivity’ that can result. They can also modify the contours of the gum to create better smile symmetry or allow a broken tooth to be restored. People who are ‘tongue tied’ can also have this quickly corrected by a Periodontist. In more complex cases, a Periodontist may be able to regenerate ridge tissue to allow placement of a dental implant. Strange lumps and bumps in the mouth can be expertly biopsied by a Periodontist for peace of mind.
Dental Implant Placement
A Periodontist, as part of their specialist course, is trained and examined by their peers on the placement of dental implants. Their day to day work involves surgical techniques to allow the management of the soft and hard tissues supporting the teeth – so they are regarded as one of the best specialist groups to go to when you need a dental implant. Dental implants are accepted as the ideal option for replacing a tooth. If they are cared for properly, they have the potential to function successfully for many years. Dental implants are used to maintain your smile as well as providing very solid extra chewing units for the enjoyment of your food. Unlike conventional dentures, dental implants are considered a permanent fixed solution.
Crown Lengthening
A lot of people become self conscious about their “gummy smile” or “small teeth”. Sometimes this can be a problem with the balance between the tooth structure and gum which is visible when smiling or speaking. A Periodontist can help determine the underlying cause of the problem and discuss possible solutions. If the teeth are ‘hidden’ under excess gum, then a Periodontist can help reveal the correct size of your teeth by reshaping or removing any excess gum and related supporting tissues. This procedure, called crown lengthening, is considered a ‘very minor’ oral surgery procedure and can be carried out in the dental chair with minimal anaesthesia.
A regular yearly visit to a Periodontist in Brisbane or on the Sunshine Coast is strongly recommended to maintain optimal oral health. However, when selecting a periodontist, it is wise to go with a team that has a good reputation for an efficient contemporary treatment approach. Choose a specialist periodontal practice whose dental professionals are highly regarded and clinically experienced.
Foundation Dental Services, is a team with over twenty years of outstanding care. We are a specialist dental practice providing a full range of periodontal services from state of the art accredited modern dental facilities.