Foundation Dental Services have dental specialists based both in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast trained and experienced in performing minor oral surgery. With a strong focus on patient comfort, we take extra steps to reduce anxiety, explaining the procedure carefully and answering all your questions before proceeding with treatment. At every opportunity we will use a conservative approach to ensure rapid healing and minimal post-operative discomfort.

Our streamlined, specially-designed dental surgical suites provide optimal infection control in a comfortable environment. We believe in working closely with your general dentist in a team approach to treatment.

Although some patients are referred to our care by family and friends, most are referred by their general dentist team, medical practitioners or allied health professionals.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 5.00

The scope of the minor surgical procedures we offer include:

  • Soft Tissue Grafts: To address gum recession or help with implant cleaning.
  • Crown Lengthening: To help the dentist restore fractured teeth.
  • Gingival Contouring: For aesthetics, or before placement of a new bridge or denture.
  • Ridge Augmentation or Flabby Ridge Reduction: Prior to new bridge placement or denture construction.
  • Guided Tissue or Guided Bone Regeneration.
  • Pericision: after orthodontics
  • Frenectomies : Labial or lingual.
  • Minor Flap Procedures: To investigate isolated concerns.
  • External Root Resorption: For assessment and treatment.
  • Root Resection: To prolong the life of a compromised root filled tooth.

If you or your dentist believe you require minor oral surgery, then we encourage you to book an appointment or send through your referral documentation so we can assess and discuss your needs. Brisbane Suburbs (07) 3878 2519 or Sunshine Coast (07) 5444 2800

Will the treatment be uncomfortable?

At FDS we place a strong focus on making oral surgery as comfortable as possible. Your clinician will have a range of analgesics and anaesthetics available to make sure any discomfort is kept to an absolute minimum. The area to be treated will normally be made numb and following most procedures only a mild analgesic (head-ache) tablet is required to manage any discomfort. Your FDS specialist will explain your specific treatment needs and any after-care recommendations prior to any surgery being performed.

Will I get anything back from my health fund?

Rebates from the funds vary depending upon the fund you have chosen and your level of ancillary cover. It is best to approach your fund directly and ask what support they offer to treat periodontal issues.

Foundation Dental Services is proudly independent and does not have any third party agreements with any particular health fund. We will work with your fund to the best of our abilities to deliver optimal care.

Contact us for an appointment today.

Our experience places us well up among the leading specialist groups in South-East Queensland, yet we also strive to maintain that ‘personal touch’ by being independent family owned & operated.

Do I need a referral for minor oral surgery?

If you are already aware of the surgery you need, you can book a consultation directly with Foundation Dental Services. However, usually, your general dentist will raise a referral requesting the procedure and provide us with the clincal background to the problem.

Before any surgery is performed we will assess your general oral health and discuss the various treatment options available to you. We will not proceed with any treatment until you understand and are comfortable with both the plan and desired outcome.

What happens at my consultation?

Your Periodontist or Oral Medicine specialist will start by checking your medical history and completing a general dental examination to confirm that the proposed surgery is suitable. A treatment plan will then be formulated and a written quote and schedule prepared for you. Your specialist will discuss all the clinical findings and recommendations with you to ensure you understand and are comfortable with the plan.

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    At Foundation Dental Services we are fortunate to have an Oral Surgeon on staff.

    An “Oral Surgeon” is a registered dental specialist that supports the general dentist with more complex tooth extractions and minor oral surgery procedures. Unlike a “Maxillofacial Surgeon” an Oral Surgeon will usually carry out ‘in-chair’ procedures (with light IV sedation if needed) - rather than a full general anaesthetic in a hospital setting.
    Oral surgeons perform a wide range of procedures such as simple and complex dental extractions, surgical removal of wisdom teeth, exposure of buried (impacted) teeth, management of dental abscesses, removal of dental cysts, repair of dental and soft tissue trauma injuries, oral-sinus disease, apicectomy procedures, frenectomies, general ridge recontouring prior to complex crown and bridge work, and management of jaw joint (TMJ) problems. The specialist field of Oral Surgery also covers the treatment of oral lesions and diseases, including intraoral biopsies of white and red patches, tumours, infections and the early detection of oral cancers.
    Dental implants can also be placed (or removed) with concurrent grafting.
    Management of peri-mucositis and peri-implantitis also falls within the scope of an FDS Oral Surgeon.

    An impacted tooth is a tooth that fails to erupt / or grow into its normal position. The most commonly impacted teeth are wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last to develop and usually start to erupt between the ages of 18 and 24. An impacted tooth may cause pericoronitis, local or spreading infection, local gum problems, decay of the impacted tooth or decay of a neighboring tooth, dental cysts / tumors, and even tooth root resorption.
    Impacted teeth need a minor surgical approach for their removal.
    Pericoronitis is local gum inflammation around an impacted or partially erupted tooth that can develop into local or spreading infection with serious complications such as malaise, general sepsis, airway obstruction, and even (in rare cases) - brain abscesses. If you are suffering from pericoronitis, you may experience pain, recurring swollen gums, bad taste, bad breath (halitosis), tenderness in the neck lymph nodes, fever, feel unwell, have facial swelling, and find it difficult to swallow or breathe

    What does an Oral Surgeon do?

    • Simple and Complex Extractions
    • Retained Root Removal
    • Wisdom teeth removal or Coronectomy
    • Cyst enucleation and marsupialisation
    • Tooth Exposure +/- Bracket Bonding – for Orthodontics
    • Management and Repair of oroantral communications
    • Assessment and Stabilisation of dentoalveolar trauma
    • Management of osteonecrosis of the jaw
    • Treatment of osteomyelitis
    • Diagnosis of oral lesions.
    • Review and treatment of oral conditions / infections
    • Incisional and Excisional Biopsies
    • Lip and/or labial gland biopsies to explore possible Sjogrens syndrome
    • Removal of mucoceles
    • Incision and drainage of dental abscesses
    • Apicectomies
    • Frenectomy or Tuberosity Reduction
    • Pre-prosthetic Ridge Recontouring or Crown Lengthening.
    • Placement or Removal of Dental Implants
    • Management of Peri-Implantitis – via both Non-Surgical and Surgical approaches