"Precise Oral Pathology Services"

Foundation Dental Services is very fortunate to work closely with Dr Simon Moore from Precise Oral Pathology Services. He provides consultation sessions at both our central Brisbane and Sunshine Coast clinics as well as from many of our branch practices from Beenleigh in the south to Carina in the east, Taringa in the west and Hervey Bay in the north.

"Provides Consultation Sessions"

Simon graduated from Adelaide University with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and later completed an additional degree in Oral Medicine and Oral pathology (MDS). With these qualifications Simon holds dual registration with the Australian Dental Board as a registered specialist in Oral Medicine as well as a registered specialist in Oral Pathology.

Simon has a passion for teaching and is a sought-after speaker for local Brisbane study clubs. He also has a heart for those less fortunate and has been involved in programs in both East Timor and Cambodia, encouraging and mentoring local clinicians.

Contact us for an appointment today.

Our experience places us well up among the leading specialist groups in South-East Queensland, yet we also strive to maintain that ‘personal touch’ by being independent family owned & operated.